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Ojibwa Woman Healing 2018

Each print 14" x 9"

This project was created for an artist residency at the Grand Marais Artist Colony in Grand Marais, Minnesota. I did eight woodblock prints which centered on botanical plants native to that region which were used by the Ojibwa people to heal women’s health issues. I created narratives which would incorporate the plants used in daily life. 


This project was partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council, a state agency.

Hungry Baby Gets the Milk

Spreading Dogbane 
Apocynum androsaemifolium

The Murmuring Plants Help A
Long Delivery

Blue Cohosh 
Caulophyllum thalictroides

Why the Speedy Girl Slowed Down


Spiraea tomentosa

Vanishing Woman’s Permanent Reappearance

Red Baneberry 

Actea rubra

Lonely Woman Gives Pain Relief and Finds Friendship


Trillium grandiflorum

The Girl That Vanquished An Ogre

Jack in the Pulpit 

Arisaema triphyllum

The Fisherwoman Catches A Magic Herb


Artemisia frigida

Easing a First Birth


Antennaria plantaginifolia

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